May 16, 2024

Spruce it Up or Sell As-Is? Navigating Repairs Before Listing Your South Jordan Home

Written by

Becks Nielson

Congratulations! You've decided to sell your house in the vibrant community of South Jordan. As your local realtor, I'm here to guide you through every step of the process, and a common question that pops up is: "Should I make repairs before listing?"

The answer, like many things in real estate, depends! Let's break it down into two categories:

Must-Fix Repairs:

Safety and functionality always come first. Address any issues that could pose a hazard or prevent essential systems from working correctly. This includes:

  • Major leaks or plumbing problems: A leaky roof or faulty pipes can lead to serious damage.
  • Electrical hazards: Faulty wiring or exposed outlets are safety risks.
  • Inoperable appliances: Buyers won't expect brand new appliances, but major malfunctions need attention.
  • HVAC malfunction: A broken heating or cooling system is a big turn-off for potential buyers.

Consider These Before You Fix:

For cosmetic fixes and upgrades, it's wise to weigh the cost-benefit analysis. Here's where a local realtor's expertise comes in!  Together, we can assess your specific situation and the South Jordan market.

  • Minor cosmetic issues: Chipped paint, outdated wallpaper, or worn carpets might not require immediate fixing. Buyers may prefer to personalize these elements anyway.
  • Major renovations: Unless your kitchen or bathroom is incredibly outdated, extensive renovations might not recoup the full investment.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Curb appeal is key! Make a great first impression with a clean and well-maintained exterior. Power washing the siding, trimming hedges, and adding fresh flowers can go a long way.
  • Declutter and depersonalize. This allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space.
  • Stage strategically. Simple furniture arrangements and neutral décor can make rooms feel larger and more inviting.

The best course of action?

Let's chat!  I can provide a comparative market analysis of similar homes in South Jordan to see what updates might be most beneficial. Together, we can create a strategic plan to present your house in the best possible light and get you top dollar for your property.

Remember, selling your home is a journey, and I'm here to be your trusted guide every step of the way. Let's  work together to make this exciting transition a smooth and successful one!